Welcome to The Encyclopedia for Health Literacy

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At The Encyclopedia for Health Literacy, our vision is to be a go-to search engine, providing medical professionals with a hassle-free database of easily printable, standardized patient education materials in English and Spanish. And the best part? It’s all FREE! In this economy, it’s a no-brainer!

Our commitment to providing comprehensive healthcare information is evolving, and we invite you to stay connected with us as we expand our offerings, including the upcoming addition of engaging audiovisual content and a plethora of quality, evidence- based patient resources.


Hey there, I'm Stephanie H. Edwards, a PA on a mission to create a centralized online hub for patient education materials.

This idea popped up as a solution to the challenges we face as medical providers in delivering thorough patient education. I discovered that many patients rely on Google or TikTok for info, leading to inaccuracies or biases in their understanding of medical conditions.

This prompted me to seek a solution that enables medical providers to easily access patient education materials within their limited time with patients, and grants patients the freedom to explore their medical condition at their own pace.


What sets The Encyclopedia for Health Literacy apart from other patient education sites?

If there are two things that are my biggest pet-peeves on the internet, it's these:

One. Searching the internet for a recipe, sifting through a bunch of nonsense, finally finding a legit recipe, only to be bombarded with the writer's life story before getting to the recipe.


Two. Searching the internet for patient education materials, sifting through a bunch of nonsense, finally finding a legit article or resource, and then struggling to find a print option – either it doesn't exist, or it's hidden at the bottom. So, you end up printing the whole page, and it comes out looking awkward.

THEREFORE... my goal for The Encyclopedia for Health Literacy is to make it a breeze to find the info you need, print it, and move on, or stick around and learn more- all at your own pace!

Plus, we're aiming to be the one-stop-shop for all patient education, covering audio-visual content, social media, and links to additional, high-quality, evidence-based resources. ALL. FOR. FREE.